Sunday, 10 August 2014


Box Squats –Sit down on a low platform like a stool
and stand up keeping your chest raised and your
back straight and slightly arched. The platform
should be lower than the height of your knees but if
you have bad knees then use knee height platform or
a little higher.
One Leg Box Squats — Same as above but with more,
most or all your weight on one leg
Squats — Use a hip width or shoulder width stance
which ever lets you lower your body down lower
without raise your heels off the ground. Keep your
weight on your heels and the middle of your feet.
Point your feet out slightly. Keep your back straight
and slightly arched by raising your chest and
keeping your elbows high. Bring your hips back and
squat down keeping your knees inline with your
index toes and try not to let your knees go over your
toes much. You should try to bring your hips down
to a little below knee height or as low as you can go.
One Leg Squats — Same as above but with more,
most or all your weight on one leg
Deep Knee Bends — Use a hip width or slightly
narrower stance and raise your heels. Point your feet
straight ahead. Keep your weight on the balls of your
feet and bend at the knees until your bottom
touches your heels unless you have knee problems
One Leg Deep Knee Bends — Same as above but with
more, most or all your weight on one leg
Summo Squats — Same as the squats but use a
stance considerably wider and point your feet out to
the sides a bit more.
Step ups — Step up onto a platform such as a chair
Quad Lunges — Step forward with one leg and bend
the knees keeping your weight on the ball of your
foot of the leading leg
Hamstring/Glutes Lunges — Step forward with one
leg and bend the knees keeping your weight on the
heel of your leading leg
Lying Hip Raises — Lie on the floor bring your feet
about half way towards your bottom and raise your
hips up, you can also involve your calf muscles and
go up on the toes.
One Leg Lying Hip Raises — same as above but on
one leg keeping the other leg raised up in the air.
Hyper Extensions — Lie face down with your hips and
upper thighs supported on a hyper extension bench
or an elevated platform like a table or a bench put
something heavy on the back of your ankle or lower
legs or ask a training partner to help hold them down
then lower your upper body and raise it back up
focusing on squeeze the glutes or your bottom
muscles and hamstring muscles or the big muscles
on the back of your legs.
One Leg Hyper Extensions — Same as above but with
more, most or all your weight on one leg.
Good Mornings — While only allowing a slight bend
in your knees you move your hips back slightly and
take a bow keeping your weight on the heels of your
feet and either putting your hands behind your head
on your shoulders or crossing them over your chest
or putting them straight out in front of you. Keep
your back as straight as you can and keep your chest
raised and look straight ahead not down.
One Leg Good Mornings — Same as above but with
more, most or all your weight on one leg.
Superman Holds — Lie on the ground then raise your
upper body and your feet off the ground and hold
that position for progressively longer periods
focusing on tensing your glutes, and hamstrings and
lower back muscles. Keep your arms held out straight
in front of you. You should look

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